Sprine's Measurement Services provides you a detailed view of your Information Technology (IT) to understand every facet and give you the insights you need to resolve issues, optimize and boost performance & customer satisfaction.
Our flagship Measurement Service is the Sprine Score - developed by academicians, business and technical experts, the comprehensive assessment service comprises over 1,000 measurements.
The Sprine Score is classified into five key indicators:
Operational Excellence measures IT on its traditional role of ensuring that key technologies such as systems, networks, applications and supported services are optimally managed and used. Metrics such as Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Mean time to repair, User satisfaction and Help Desk response and resolution time are analyzed to produce an overall Operational Score.
These measurements provide the depth and maturity of IT’s alignment with the organizations business strategies. In organizations that are highly aligned with IT, you find that IT and the organization execute the business strategies as co-adaptive partners. Additionally, communications are pervasive and IT is privy to senior management’s tactical and strategic plans, rewards are shared and the organization fully understands IT’s value and contribution to the mission of the organization.
In the new global and on-line economy, organizations are more dependent on their business partners and other connected stakeholders for their success. This set of measures will determine the extent to which your IT supports inter-operability and connectivity between your systems and that of your customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders.
In the past, it was possible to implement systems and applications without much concern about the software and hardware systems needed to execute them. Today, the architecture in place influences future modifications and developments. The Technical Architecture score is the ability of the technical architecture to adapt easily and cost-effectively to the dynamic business requirements of the organization.
In addition to complying with regulatory mandates such as Sarbanes-Oxley, GLBA or HIPAA, organizations enhance their social standing by taking pro-active measures to satisfy societal responsibilities of ethics, privacy, accessibility and green initiatives, while actively participating in the overall enhancement of the community.
You may also wish to consider individual targeted measurement services:
Survey, feedback, Functional, basically perception of IT in the organzation. Slow, fast, etc.
In effective organizations IT is continually and systematically measured for the value it provides to the overall organization. Analyzing IT projects using the familiar portfolio management principles, used in investment and financial decisions, enables an organization to get the total value of their IT investment. For these effective organizations IT portfolio management is a lot more than purely analyzing costs or using portfolio management to prioritize IT projects.
These measurements provide the depth and maturity of IT’s alignment with the organizations business strategies. In organizations that are highly aligned with IT, you find that IT and the organization execute the business strategies as co-adaptive partners. Additionally, communications are pervasive and IT is privy to senior management’s tactical and strategic plans, rewards are shared and the organization fully understands IT’s value and contribution to the mission of the organization.
In the new global and on-line economy, organizations are more dependent on their business partners and other connected stakeholders for their success. This set of measures will determine the extent to which your IT supports inter-operability and connectivity between your systems and that of your customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders.